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Intro to Visual Design/
Poster for Social Good
Originally developed by Todd Barsanti, Sheridan College.

Consider that you have a single golden ticket to make changes and bring something positive to your society. It could be for your neighborhood, state, country, or even world. What could your decision be? In this project, you will design a poster to call for action. You need first to identify an organization/NGO with a similar mission and design your poster based on it. You may incorporate the organization logo, associated hashtag, or your concept motto to call for change.

The main goal is to grab the attention of a viewer who passes by your design in just a few seconds and convince them to take action. It means composition, title, GESTALT, and Semiotics are crucial to this goal. Be aware that sometimes simple solutions have more impact than complex concepts.
Project Materials




︎How to


Student projects

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